Discipleship and prayer groups at Covenant Baptist Church
Jesus' Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 talks about the primary mission of the church to "make disciples" of all men.
At Covenant, we believe that discipleship both formal and informal is at the heart of the Christian experience as we grow together as the Body of Christ. This happens in our worship services, small groups, larger ones, and individually one on one.
Our formal discipleship happens:
- Through the regular consumption of the preached word - Sunday morning and evening.
- Through our weekly Covenant Community Groups. We eat, pray, and learn the Bible together in local neighbourhoods across the city. For locations and current studies, please contact us for details.
- Through our Ladies' Discipleship group. They have their own website here. The posts are not currently updated with the latest sessions, but they can give you an idea of the focus.
- Through our Men's Discipleship group. Please contact us for details.
- Through our Covenant Leadership Discipleship program. This is an elder-led discipleship program for future leaders in the church.
- Our Bible Circle Sunday school program for young children during the Sunday morning service. This is meant to train our young children to be able to sit in church and expose them to the Gospel at an accessible level. Currently, we are using the Children Desiring God curriculum "Jesus What a Saviour"
But, discipleship isn't limited to formal discipleship. Our men and women, leaders, and regular members often meet informally for discipleship - for coffee or a meal, perhaps reading a book together, praying, or serving with one another.